Friday 26 October 2012

Blue sparkle!

I love glittery nail polishes and I barely have any, so I got a pretty blue topshop one and couldn't wait to try it.
The glitter in this isn't just like the fine little flecks in my Barry M ones, there are slightly larger hexagons in there which are super sparkly when they catch the light.
I included a blurry photo too because I like how the light hits the glitter.

My base colour is the Barry M retro collection in blue, and the glitter is a Topshop nail polish by Louise Gray called Junkyard.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Penguin nail art!

I haven't had much time to sit and do my nails recently, so now I've got a bit of down time back I decided to do some sweet ass nail art.
This is definitely one of my favourites because it's penguins!
It was pretty tough without nail art tools, I need a dotting tool, that would have been easier to do the eyes rather than using a toothpick, which sucked!

Anywho, here it is. Like I said, I used a toothpick so it's a bit messy.

Hope you like it :D

Monday 15 October 2012

I apologise for my absence!

I've had some big stuff going on and haven't had time to do many fun things.
I'll try and get more stuff up as soon as possible, need to get a few more ideas too!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)