There was a deal on at Sallys where I could buy 3 bottles for £12, I only bought 3 of Hot Purple which now I realise is silly, anywho, on we go!
It only comes in one bottle, no having to mix any developer or anything so it was fairly easy to apply. I used the full bottle on my whole head and left it in for about 45 minutes.
It looked quite blue on my head and washing it out, the water was kinda blue but the end result was pretty much what I was looking for. It stained my pillows blue for a few days before I washed it again and it lasted about 8 washes before it started to fade. The picture on the left makes it look a lot more pink that it was, it doesn't look like that on my phone haha.

After washing it good few times, it started to go a bit blue and some bits are a tiny bit green, so I have a turquoise dip dye which doesn't actually look too bad, but I think I might try Violette again and see if that is a bit more true purple. Right now I have my weird blueish hair to sort out.
Anyone got any suggestions on purple dye? I'd like to hear peoples thoughts.