Hello again, sorry for the ridiculous period of absence.
So, if you have been following my quest to bleach my hair to the incredibly pale blonde/white needed to then dye your hair pastel, you will see that I have been partly successful.
In the last part I managed to get a nearly all over pale blonde, the exception being the stubborn mid section of my hair. I've realised the reason it was probably so stubborn is because I have dyed my hair so many times without stripping it or anything, so it's pretty much soaked in leftover purple and brown dye.
ANYWAY, I'm gonna save some time here, I did one more bleach and there was little to no difference, so I got kind of fed up and realised pastel probably would just be a waste of time. So I once again decided on bright purple.
This time I went with Crazy Colour Violette, which on the website is described as electric purple.
The method I used was the same as the other crazy colours I've used, apply to damp hair. My hair is quite long now so I used two bottles I believe, and then I left it in for about an hour. Once again it took aaaaaaages for it to be washed out but eventually when it had, it was soooo bright.

As with all Crazy Colours I've tried it faded a bit after the few two or three washes, but the weirdest thing was the roots stayed quite a bright purple and the mid lengths and ends faded to a kinda blue, and then after a couple more washes, it had bits of green through it. It was strange but to be honest it looked alright!
Over the next few washes it continued to fade through blue till it got to a pastel turquoise colour, it was actually really nice but eventually the the roots started growing in and it started to look quite trashy haha, really dark roots and super light mid lengths, but if it was that all over I'd be quite happy with it.
So a quick review of of the Crazy Colour Violette, turned out a beautiful purple for the first few weeks, stayed purple on the white blonde, and turned turquoise on the pale blonde. Faded fairly quickly too but faded to completely different colours.